
Yes, we ship all over the world. Shipping costs will apply, and will be added at checkout. We run discounts and promotions all year, so stay tuned for exclusive deals.

Our shipping carrier is FedEx. Shipping is free and available worldwide. Quality control and inspection times vary, products are shipped within 1-2 business days after purchase. Tracking information will be provided.

Estimate shipping

Estimate shipping are not from the moment the item was purchased. The item will arrive in the specified time after the order actually ships and enters the shipping carrier system. 

Rate Handling : 1 to 2 business days

TimeTransit Time: 5 to 7





We have a 15-day return policy, which means you have 15 days from the day of delivery, as evidenced from your tracking number, to request a return.

To return your product, you should mail your product to: 

Name: yellowlighthouse

Address: POBOX 62305

Post code: 8020

City: Paphos

Country: Cyprus

It depends on the creator and the product. All options are outlined on the product page, so look out for customization options there.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our products, so if you receive a print from us which is faulty or damaged, we will replace it free of charge and without delay.

If an item arrives and the packaging or the item itself is clearly and significantly damaged, please take a photo showing the damage, refuse to accept the delivery and contact us immediately.

If you notice that an item is damaged after it has been delivered to you, please contact us within 3 days of receipt of your print at [email protected] and our team will be happy to assist. If we require you to return the product to us, we will pay the cost of the return.

Customer support


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